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Our Mission:

To Provide our Clients satisfactory resolution of their debts.
To be courteous, helpful, understanding and fair with Debtors in the collection process.  
To offer a variety of programs designed to facilitate prompt payment. 


We have programs that are designed to minimize the amount of fees and penalties that can accrue due to non-payment. While we represent the Creditor every attempt will be made to work with debtors to facilitate bringing their account(s) current. 


We will make every effort to avoid litigation. However, our clients can rest assured that we will pursue the collection of their debts to the fullest extend of the law.



To the Debtor:

We offer you a straight forward approach to debt collections.

Prompt payment means less hassle for you and less time for us.

Bottom line the longer it takes you to bring your account current the more expensive it will become for you to relenquish this debt. 







This is an attempt to collect on a debt.

Any information obtained will be used for that purpose.  


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